Swim like a Shark Week 8 ~ Well. This was one interesting afternoon. It was the first time that our intrepid team of young AfriOceans Warriors got to wear wetsuits, hoodies, booties and fins and their masks and snorkels. Our kids have been taught from week 1 just with their costumes and their Shark Warrior rash vests, and in that way found their natural buoyancy rather than from the wetsuits. Now they are swimming. The visibility was 30cm (1 foot) today and our aspirant snorkelers responded to the challenging in different ways. Dive Master Jason Ruger and myself Terry Corr are both qualified divers so the children are in safe hands and we are in the water with the kids throughout the lesson. Swim like a Shark is about confronting FEAR and replacing it with LOVE <3. Not only fear of drowning but fear of sharks. It’s tough but nothing in life is easy. We have Two weeks to go! Swim like a Shark is a project that is part of the National Lottery’s sponsored AfriOceans Warriors Environmental Education programme.





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