
Our Responsible Tourism initiative, the Shark Warrior Adventure Centre at Seaforth beach in Simonstown has experienced a fantastic summer as we hosted many foreign visitors from around the globe, who all loved our experiences. In a fantastic partnership with Airbnb Experiences, who waive all commission as AfriOceans is a non profit and we are considered social impact experiences. We have reached the 100 review milestone  and the feedback has been very promising.

What we are demonstrating is that instead of plundering and destroying invaluable MPA’s they can instead be utilsed for locally driven Responsible Tourism initiatives, like Shark Warrior Adventure Centre which educate the guests, provide an authentic guided experience, give back to the community and most importantly protects the unique Biodiversity, which in our case is the endangered African Penguin, Cape Fur Seals, African Black Oystercatches, Bank Commorants, Arctic Terns, Otters all within the unique kelp forest. Most importantly funds generated by the Centre’s activities go b@ck into AfriOceans to fund our strategic conservation projects.

We have been presenting 2 hr Paddle with the Penguins Sea Kayaking Experiences, Snorkeling with the Seals by kayak, and Walking with the Penguins experiences within the Boulders Coastal Park. We look forward to hosting your next adventure.


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