The Voice of our Oceans

AfriOceans Conservation Alliance (AfriOceans) was founded in 2003. It is a registered non-profit organisation, governed by a highly respected board of directors, an advisory board, as well as project-specific consultants. AfriOceans is well known for its unique campaign work, exciting research projects and education and awareness initiatives, and its role in being prepared to speak out for those who cannot.

Our Mission

We are the Voice of Our Oceans.
We believe in Moving from Awareness into Action in order to save our oceans.

Our Goals and Objectives

AfriOceans proactively encourages and lobbies for commercial, corporate and government policies and practices that provide sustainable marine conservation. By aligning with others that share this vision, and through conservation research and compelling education and awareness initiatives, we are making a difference in preserving our precious marine resources. AfriOceans calls upon all people, particularly the young, to aspire toward the long-term conservation of the oceans.